According to COMELEC, there are more candidates that will run for President this coming election. We can’t deny that some of them are taking it not so serious. We call these people a nuisance candidates. Netizens are saying that they just want to become famous, some are saying that they are crazy and lack of attention but some of these people are maybe comedian and just using this opportunity. One of them is Allan Carreon, he call himself as “The Ambassador of Intergalactic Earth”.
Here are some of his impossible platform on how to solve problems.
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Crime prevention
According to him, this will be the future uniform of the policemen in the Philippines. This suit is bulletproof, waterproof, lightning proof, and also with night vision, lie detector test and criminal detector, it can detect if the person is a criminal. This suit is Wi-Fi activated.
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Problem in the West Philippine Sea
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Traffic problem
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These are just three examples of his ideas and solution for the problem of our country. Some netizens told him to invent a device to manipulate the election and win his campaign, but he refuse. “I will never be a traitor”, he said.
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People think that he is crazy, but some understand that this man just took the advantage to promote himself not as a Presidential candidate but a comedian.